Terms & Conditions


This is our Terms of Service of the online store Jsyk, Just So You Know (“Jsyk” or “we” or “us” or “our”) was set up by the company MGT International, which is the operator of this site.
Any order under a product appearing in the online store of the website https://www.jsyk.me/ supposes the prior consultation of the present general conditions.
Consequently, the consumer acknowledges being perfectly informed of the fact that his agreement concerning the contents of the present general conditions does not require the handwritten signature of this document, insofar as the customer wishes to order online the products presented within the framework of the store of the website.
The consumer has the option to save or edit these general conditions, it being specified that both the saving and editing of this document are his sole responsibility. The consumer, prior to his order, declares that the acquisition of these products is not directly related to his professional activity, their acquisition being reserved for his personal use.
As a consumer, the customer therefore has specific rights, which would be called into question in the event that the products or services acquired within the framework of the website would actually have a connection with his professional activity.

The online store set up by Jsyk within the framework of the website mentions the following information:
1: legal notice allowing a precise identification of Jsyk owned by the company MGT International
2: presentation of the essential characteristics of the proposed goods
3: indication, in US dollar, of the price of the goods, as well as, if applicable, the delivery costs
4: indication of the terms of payment, delivery, or performance
5: existence of a right of withdrawal
6: the period of validity of the offer or price
7: the conditions for terminating the contract when it is for an indefinite period of time or for a period exceeding one year
8: All this information is presented in English. The consumer declares to have the full legal capacity allowing him to commit himself under these general conditions.

Article 1: Entirety
The present general conditions express the entirety of the obligations of the parties. In this sense, the consumer is deemed to accept without reservation the entirety of the provisions set out in these terms and conditions. No general or specific condition appearing in the documents sent or handed over by the consumer can be integrated into the present, since these documents would be incompatible with these general conditions.

Article 2 : Subject
The present general conditions have for object to define the rights and obligations of the parts within the framework of the on-line sale of goods and services proposed by Jsyk to the consumer.

Article 3: Contractual documents
The present contract is formed by the following contractual documents, presented in descending hierarchical order: the present general conditions; the order form. In the event of contradiction between the provisions contained in the documents of different rank, the provisions of the document of higher rank will prevail.

Article 4: Entry into force – duration
The present general conditions come into force on the date of signature of the order form. The present general conditions are concluded for the duration necessary for the supply of the goods and services subscribed, until the extinction of the guarantees due by the company MGT International.

Article 5: Electronic signature
The “double click” of the consumer under the purchase order constitutes an electronic signature which has, between the parties, the same value as a handwritten signature.

Article 6: Confirmation of order
The contractual information will be the subject of a confirmation by e-mail at the latest at the time of the delivery or failing that, at the address indicated by the consumer in the purchase order.

Article 7: Proof of the transaction
The computerized registers, preserved in the computer systems of Jsyk under reasonable conditions of safety, will be regarded as the evidence of the communications, the orders and the payments intervened between the parts. The archiving of purchase orders and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable support which can be produced as proof.

Article 8: Product information
8-a: Jsyk presents on its web site the products to be sold with the necessary characteristics which foresees the possibility for the potential consumer to know before the final order taking the essential characteristics of the products which he wishes to buy.
8-b: The offers presented by Jsyk are valid only within the limits of available stocks.

Article 9: Prices
The prices are indicated in USD and are valid only at the date of the sending of the purchase order by the consumer. They do not take into account the delivery costs, invoiced in supplement, and indicated before the validation of the order. The payment of the totality of the price must be carried out at the time of the order. At no time can the sums paid be considered as a deposit or advance payment. The displayed prices do not take into account possible customs charges, which are the responsibility of the buyer receiving the product.

Article 10 : Method of payment
To pay his order, the consumer will use either Stripe for card Payment or bank transfer. The consumer guarantees Jsyk that he has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment chosen by him, during the validation of the order form. Jsyk reserves the right to suspend any order management and any delivery in case of refusal of authorization of payment by credit card from the officially accredited organizations or in case of non payment. Jsyk reserves in particular the right to refuse to make a delivery or to honor an order from a consumer who has not paid in whole or in part a previous order or with whom a payment dispute is being administered. The MGT International company has set up a procedure of verification of the orders intended to ensure that no person uses the banking coordinates of another person without his knowledge.

In order to ensure the safety of the transactions and to answer the concern of the greatest number to prevent frauds in remote sale, we carry out controls on the placing of the orders.

As part of a control, we invite you by email to send proof of address and identity (the purpose being to ensure the reality of the identity and the domiciliation (for example a receipt for electricity, a fixed telephone bill for the perfection of the order).

The sending of the scan of the partially masked recto-verso of your credit card can also be requested. However, do not communicate the security cryptogram.

The delivery period only starts to run from the date of dispatch of the order, which cannot be earlier than the validation of the supporting documents.

In the absence of supporting documents or if the documents sent do not make it possible to ensure the identity of the author of the order, the reality of the domiciliation, or the apparent conditions of solvency, we would be in the obligation to ask you for a cash payment to guarantee the safety of the online transactions and the perfect collection of the ordered articles.

Refusal of the conditions cannot give rise to an immediate cancellation of the order.

Article 11 : Availability of products
The order will be executed at the latest within 3 days from the day following the day the consumer placed his order. In case of unavailability of the product ordered, including because of our suppliers, the consumer will be informed as soon as possible and will have the opportunity to cancel the order. The consumer will then have the choice to request either a refund of the sums paid within 30 days at the latest of their payment, or the exchange of the product.
All products are subject to availability and we reserve the right to impose quantity limits on any order, to reject all or part of an order, and to discontinue products without notice, even if you have already placed your order. Your placement of an order as a customer does not necessarily assure that we will accept your order. We reserve the right to refuse any order in our sole discretion. In addition, before accepting your order, we may require additional information if you have not provided all the information required by us to complete your order.

Article 12 a: Terms and conditions of delivery
Delivery times are given for information and guidance only; they depend in particular on the availability of carriers, the order of arrival of orders and available stocks. Our company strives to respect the delivery times it indicates upon acceptance of the order, according to the logistical reference time in the profession, and to execute orders, except in cases of force majeure, or in the event of circumstances beyond its control, such as strikes, frost, fire, storm, flood, epidemic, supply difficulties, without this list being exhaustive. Delays in delivery cannot give rise to any penalty or indemnity, nor justify the cancellation of the order. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the consumer on the order form and. The consumer is held to check the state of the packing of the goods with the delivery and to announce the damage due to the conveyor on the delivery order, as well as with the company MGT International, within one week. The consumer can, at his request, obtain the sending of an invoice to the billing address and not to the delivery address by validating the option provided for this purpose on the order form.
We endeavor to deliver all orders on-schedule. However, we cannot guarantee that our shipping providers or suppliers will not experience any shipping delays or problems.

Article 12 b Delivery times:
It takes 3-7 days to fulfill an order, after which it’s shipped out. The shipping time depends on your location, but can be estimated as follows:
USA: 5-​8 business days
International: 10-20 business days. However, these times may vary significantly due to customs clearance or other unusual events or cases of force majeure.

Article 13: Delivery problems due to the carrier
Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, missing product compared to the delivery order, damaged package, broken products …) must be imperatively indicated on the delivery order as “handwritten reserves”, accompanied by the signature of the customer. At the same time, the consumer must confirm this anomaly by sending the carrier within two (2) working days following the delivery date a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt setting out the said claims. The consumer must send a copy of this letter by fax or by mail to :
MGT International
Customer Service,
MGT International Unit 17, 9/f, Tower A, New Mandarin Plaza No 14 Science Museum RD KL Hong Kong

Article 14: Errors of delivery
14-a: The consumer will have to formulate near Jsyk the same day of the delivery or at the latest the first working day following the delivery, any complaint of error of delivery and/or nonconformity of the products in kind or in quality compared to the indications appearing on the purchase order. Any claim made after this deadline will be rejected.
14-b: The formulation of this complaint near Jsyk could be made: through the menu to contact us by specifying well the reference of the order.
14-c: Any complaint not carried out in the rules defined above and within the time limits could not be taken into account and will release Jsyk of any responsibility towards the consumer.
14-d: with reception of the complaint, Jsyk will allot a number d exchange of the product (s) concerned (s) and will communicate it by e-mail, fax or telephone to the consumer. The exchange of a product can take place only after the attribution to the consumer of an exchange number according to the step presented above.
14-e : In the event of error of delivery or exchange, any product to be exchanged or refunded will have to be turned over to the MGT International company as a whole and in its packing of origin. The product must be returned by registered mail to the address indicated by our return service.

To be accepted, any return must be reported in advance to the Customer Service of Jsyk.

Article 15: Product guarantee
The provisions hereof cannot deprive the consumer of the legal guarantee which obliges the professional seller to guarantee him against all the consequences of the hidden defects of the thing sold. The consumer is expressly informed that Jsyk is not the producer of the products presented within the framework of the Web site. Consequently, in the event of damage caused with a person or a good by a defect of the product, only the responsibility for the producer of this one could be sought by the consumer, on the basis of information being reproduced on the packing of the aforementioned product. The conditions and duration of the producer guarantee are indicated on the product sheets. Taking into account the frequency of renewal of the components of the technical products, MGT International will be able, on request, to inform the consumer of the availability of the spare parts of the proposed products and the methods to possibly obtain them.

Article 16: Right of withdrawal- Returns
Goods can be returned in designated period. The exact return period and return policy differs from country to country. Please contact our customer service for the detailed information.
The products must not have been unsealed, so that the consumer can benefit from the right of withdrawal.
Only products returned as a whole, in their original packaging complete and intact, and in perfect condition for resale will be accepted. Any product that has been damaged, or whose original packaging has been damaged, will not be refunded or exchanged.
Customers returning goods are responsible for freight charges.
Wrong size items and quality problem items can be exchanged. For defective products, if a defect or damage is confirmed on the returned products, we will give you a complete refund. The refund will be paid either to your wallet of Jsyk account or to the original method of payment.
The following items cannot be returned or exchanged: custom orders or personalized orders.

This right of withdrawal is exercised without penalty, except for the cost of return. In the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the consumer has the choice to request either a refund of the sums paid or an exchange of the product. In the case of an exchange, the re-shipment will be at the expense of the consumer.
In the event of exercise of right of withdrawal, Jsyk will make all the efforts to refund the consumer within 15 days. However, taking into account the technical character of the sold products, this time could be extended to 30 days, in particular when the product needs a technical checking (cf products having to be tested beforehand).
The consumer will then be reimbursed by re-crediting his bank account (secure transaction) in case of payment by credit card, or by bank transfert in other cases.

We don’t offer returns and exchanges for personalized orders. These are products made to order, they are excluded from the return policy, as unsuitable for resale. But if there’s something wrong with your order, please let us know by contacting us !

Article 17: Rights of use – Intellectual property and Ownership
Rights Reserved. Content on the Services is provided to you as is for your information only and may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any other purposes whatsoever without the prior written consent of Jsyk or the respective owners or licensors. We reserve all rights not expressly granted in and to the Content. You acknowledge and agree that any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback or other information about the Services, provided by you to us are non-confidential and shall become the sole property of Jsyk.
You agree to not engage in the use, copying, or distribution of any of the Content other than expressly permitted herein. You agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the website or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any Content or enforce limitations on use of the website or the Content therein.

Jsyk protect the artists and their works present on our site. All the works presented are protected by the rights of the beneficiaries. They are not free to be downloaded or copied, captured.
Only we, including without limitation, have the right to manufacture, distribute and sell products and artworks presented here. All designs are copyrighted by Jsyk. All purchases on this website are strictly for non-commercial use, personal use only. You CAN’T resell, reproduce, distribute by electronic means or profit in any way from the design or the product.

Article 18: Force majeure
Neither party will have failed in its contractual obligations, insofar as their execution is delayed, hindered or prevented by a fortuitous event or force majeure. Will be considered as a fortuitous event or force majeure all facts or circumstances irresistible, external to the parties, unforeseeable, unavoidable, independent of the will of the parties and which cannot be prevented by the latter, despite all reasonably possible efforts. The party affected by such circumstances will notify the other within ten working days following the date on which it becomes aware of them. The two parties shall then, within one month, unless impossible due to force majeure, come together to examine the impact of the event and agree on the conditions under which the execution of the contract will be continued. If the case of force majeure lasts more than three months, the present general conditions may be terminated by the injured party. The following are expressly considered to be cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually retained by the jurisprudence of French courts and tribunals: the blocking of means of transport or supplies, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, lightning; the stoppage of telecommunication networks or difficulties specific to telecommunication networks external to the customers.

Article 19: Partial non validation
If one or more stipulations of the present general conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations will retain all their force and scope.

Article 20 : Non renunciation
The fact that one of the parties does not take advantage of a breach by the other party to any of the obligations referred to in these terms and conditions shall not be interpreted for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.

Article 21: Title
In case of difficulty of interpretation between any of the headings at the beginning of the clauses and any of the clauses, the headings will be declared non-existent.

Article 22: Photos
All the descriptions and photos presented on the site are intended to represent the products for sale. Occasionally, products may vary slightly from this representation. We reserve the right to make changes without notice.
All the images present on the site, belong exclusively to Jsyk.

Article 23: Applicable law
The use of our website and the product purchased contracts through said website shall, are subject to the law of Hong Kong. The same is true for the rules of substance as for the rules of form. In the event of litigation or complaint, the consumer will address in priority to the company MGT International to obtain an amicable solution. In a second time and in the event of recourse, the consumer will be able to deposit a complaint with, via his dedicated dialog box.

Article 24 : Data processing and Liberties
The information which is requested from the consumer is necessary to the treatment of his order and could be communicated to the contractual partners of Jsyk intervening within the framework of the execution of this order. The consumer can write to Jsyk whose coordinates are within the charter of confidentiality appearing within the framework of the Web site, to be opposed to such a communication, or to exert his rights of access, of correction with regard to information concerning him and appearing in the files of the company MGT International, under the conditions envisaged by the law of January 6, 1978.
We may use cookies, tags, and similar technologies to automatically collect information on our Services. These tracking technologies allow our technology partners to collect information including your computer’s IP address, your mobile device identifier, the type of internet browser you are using, operating system, referral URLs, date/time stamps, pages viewed, and simple keyword tags. Cookies or tags are bits of code that allow our technology partners to collect information including your computer’s IP address, your mobile device identifier, the type of internet browser you are using, operating system, referral URLs, date/time stamps, pages viewed, and simple keyword tags. We also use web pixels to analyze usage patterns on our Site.
Please read PRIVACY POLICY terms for more information.

Company Number 1924206

MGT International LTD
Unit 17, 9/f,
Tower A, New Mandarin Plaza No 14
Science Museum RD KL
Hong Kong